most of my virtual Dragon Con schedule

Like pretty much every con that wasn’t in January or February, Dragon Con is going virtual this year. The con will be in bits and pieces all over the web, including DCTV, on Facebook, on YouTube, on Zoom, on Discord, on Twitch, and possibly elsewhere. Here’s a guide to the virtual con including everything that will be on DCTV, and here’s a Google doc that shows what the various tracks will be doing as supplemental programming on their Facebook and YouTube feeds.

This is my current schedule. There are two prerecorded panels I did that have not yet been scheduled, and once I get the times for them, I’ll edit this post.


8-9pm: “The End is Near: A Supernatural Fan Panel” w/Damian Allen, Kristin Jackson, Gail Martin, Marx Pyle, and Carol Malcolm (archived on YouTube)

9-11pm: “Tails of Dragon Con” w/Joe Crowe, Gary Mitchel, Michael Falkner, Rosalind Faulkner, Bethany Kesler, Lola Strickland, Darin Bush, Kevin Kusinitz, Felicity Kusinitz, Sue Kisenwhether, Jessa Phillips, Michael Bailey, and Sherman Burris (Facebook, YouTube)


4-5pm: “Abbey Road” w/JM Tuffley, Jason De La Torre, Mike Faber, and Rob Levy (archived on YouTube)

10-11pm: “Gordon’s Alive!: Flash Gordon at 40,” w/Joe Crowe, Gary Mitchel, Sherman Burris, Debbie Viguie, and Jonathan Williams (archived on YouTube)


1-2pm: “Superhero Movies after Batman ’89,” w/Joe Crowe, Gary Mitchel, Michael Bailey, Kevin Eldridge, Denise Lhamon, Dr. Scott Viguie, Debbie Viguie, and Shaun Rosado (archived on YouTube)

8.30-9.30pm: “Pre-Dawn of the MCU,” w/Joe Crowe, Gary Mitchel, Michael Bailey, Michael Falkner, and Jessa Phillips (archived on YouTube)

10-11.45pm: “Roll-a-Panel: 1985 Reprise,” w/a cast of billions (Facebook, YouTube)


10-11am: “The Sherlock Holmes Archetype,” w/Jennifer Blackstream, Bob Nygaard, Trisha Wooldridge, Caro McCully, and Roxanne Henkle (archived on YouTube)

1.30-2.45pm: Writers Track 15-minute mentoring sessions with me, sign up here! (full schedule of sessions here)

7-8pm: reading — I’ll likely be reading from Alien: Isolation and/or To Hell and Regroup (Facebook, YouTube)

8.30-9.30pm: “Novelization Readings,” w/Joe Crowe, Gary Mitchel, Michael Williams, Chris Cummins, Kevin Eldridge, Elizabeth Jones, and James Palmer (archived on YouTube)


10-11am: “Doctor Who Potpourri,” w/L. Jagi Lamplighter, JM Tuffley, Sue Kisenwhether, Michael Falkner, and Caro McCully (archived on YouTube)

11.30am-12.30pm: “Music and Writing,” w/Darin Kennedy and Sue Phillips (Facebook, YouTube)

1.30-2.45pm: Writers Track 15-minute mentoring sessions with me, sign up here! (full schedule of sessions here)

As-yet unscheduled

Doctor Who Roundtable,” I’m one of several folks who answered questions about Doctor Who (Facebook, YouTube)

“Roll-a-Panel: 1985,” w/far too many people to list here (Facebook, YouTube)

By Dragon Con standards, this is a light schedule for me, honestly. With the added bonus of no crowds, no half-hour waits for an overcrowded elevator, and I can sleep in my own bed! Woohoo!

Looking forward to seeing folks on my laptop this weekend!

2 thoughts on “most of my virtual Dragon Con schedule

  1. Pingback: Star Trek: Voyager Rewatch: “Real Life” – Scifi Advisor

  2. Pingback: update to Dragon Con schedule | KRAD's Inaccurate Guide to Life

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