my Shore Leave 40 schedule


As I have been every year since the turn of the millennium, I shall be a guest at Shore Leave, now in its 40th year, at the Hunt Valley Inn in beautiful downtown Cockeysville, just north of Baltimore.

Here’s my schedule:


7-8pm: “Anthologies: Share the Love,” w/Christopher L. Bennett, Greg Cox, Phil Giunta, Joshua Palmatier, Jenifer Rosenberg, and Richard C. White (Salon E)

9-10pm: Glenn Hauman’s wake, in honor of the release of They Keep Killing Glenn, as we all deliver eulogies, while the corpse will have thirty seconds for rebuttal (Hunt/Valley)

10pm-midnight: Meet the Pros, the usual autographing (Hunt/Valley corridor)



10-11am: Boogie Knights concert an hour earlier than usual! (Hunt/Valley)

2-3pm: “From Holmes to Sherlock,” w/Christopher L. Bennett, Mary Fan, T.J. Perkins, and Roberta Rogow (Salon F)

5-6pm: “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 25th Anniversary Retrospective,” w/Derek Tyler Attico, John Coffren, Kim Headlee, Jim Johnson, and Marco Palmieri (Salon A)

6-8pm: Author Meet ‘n’ Greet (Frankie & Vinny’s)

during masquerade halftime: Boogie Knights concert (Hunt/Valley)



10-11am: “Kira Nerys: The Real Lead of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” w/Derek Tyler Attico, Russ Colchamiro, Amy Imhoff, and Marco Palmieri (Salon E)


Looking forward to seeing folks there!


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