KRAD COVID reading #100d: Star Trek: S.C.E.: Many Splendors Part 4

For 2021, KRAD COVID readings has been covering the only short fiction I didn’t read in 2020: my novellas for the Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers series, a monthly series of eBooks that ran from 2000-2007. I’ve had a new reading every #TrekTuesday, though this will be the final one of those

This week we conclude the landmark 100th installment of the series, and also the last story in the S.C.E. cycle: Many Splendors. Part of the “What’s Past” event done to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Trek in 2006, this story chronicled the Gomez-Duffy romance on board the U.S.S. Enterprise-D, and also provides an engine-room’s-eye view of the second through fifth seasons of The Next Generation.

In Part 4, Gomez makes a fateful decision about her career and her relationship with Duffy, even as the Enterprise is crippled by a quantum filament.

This is the last installment of KRAD COVID readings for awhile. I’ve run out of short fiction (at least for now, there are several in process), and I need a break. You can feel free to subscribe to the channel, or just check out the archives.


a nice review (in German) of Star Trek: S.C.E.: War Stories Book 2

Götz Piesbergen of has written a review (in German) of my 2002 Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers novella War Stories Book 2. It’s a very nice review, based on what Google Translate tells me, with particular praise for how I wrote Commander Salek, which was nice to see.

Check it out!

(You can also see me reading the story in episode 97 of my YouTube channel, KRAD COVID readings….)

KRAD COVID reading #100b: Star Trek: S.C.E.: Many Splendors Part 2

For 2021, KRAD COVID readings is covering the only short fiction I didn’t read in 2020: my novellas for the Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers series, a monthly series of eBooks that ran from 2000-2007. I’ll have a new reading every #TrekTuesday.

This week we continue the landmark 100th installment of the series, and also the last story in the S.C.E. cycle: Many Splendors. Part of the “What’s Past” event done to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Trek in 2006, this story chronicled the Gomez-Duffy romance on board the U.S.S. Enterprise-D, and also provides an engine-room’s-eye view of the second through fifth seasons of The Next Generation.

In Part 2, we see the events of “Pen Pals,” “Q Who,” and “Peak Performance” from Gomez’s perspective, as she starts to come into her own as an engineer.

Check it out! And please subscribe to the channel!

KRAD COVID reading #100a: Star Trek: S.C.E.: Many Splendors Part 1

For 2021, KRAD COVID readings is covering the only short fiction I didn’t read in 2020: my novellas for the Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers series, a monthly series of eBooks that ran from 2000-2007. I’ll have a new reading every #TrekTuesday.

This week we kick off the landmark 100th installment of the series, and also the last story in the S.C.E. cycle: Many Splendors. Part of the “What’s Past” event done to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Trek in 2006, this story chronicled the Gomez-Duffy romance on board the U.S.S. Enterprise-D, and also provides an engine-room’s-eye view of the second through fifth seasons of The Next Generation.

In Part 1, Gomez comes on board in time for Data’s sentience to be questioned, and gets a bad first impression of Duffy when they work together to keep the ship from falling apart after the destruction of the U.S.S. Yamato.

Check it out! And please subscribe to the channel!

KRAD COVID reading #99c: Star Trek: S.C.E.: Security Part 3

For 2021, KRAD COVID readings is covering the only short fiction I didn’t read in 2020: my novellas for the Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers series, a monthly series of eBooks that ran from 2000-2007. I’ll have a new reading every #TrekTuesday.

This week, we conclude Security, which juggles several different plotlines. In this final bit, Corsi tells the whole story of Dar and of how she first met Christine Vale, while the S.C.E. crew works to find Drs. Lense and Bashir.

Check it out! And please subscribe to the channel!

KRAD COVID reading #99b: Star Trek: S.C.E.: Security Part 2

For 2021, KRAD COVID readings is covering the only short fiction I didn’t read in 2020: my novellas for the Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers series, a monthly series of eBooks that ran from 2000-2007. I’ll have a new reading every #TrekTuesday.

This week, we continue Security, which juggles several different plotlines. In Part 2, Gomez confronts Tev while Stevens confronts Corsi.

Check it out! And please subscribe to the channel!

KRAD COVID reading #99a: Star Trek: S.C.E.: Security Part 1

For 2021, KRAD COVID readings is covering the only short fiction I didn’t read in 2020: my novellas for the Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers series, a monthly series of eBooks that ran from 2000-2007. I’ll have a new reading every #TrekTuesday.

This week, we kick off Security, which juggles several different plotlines. In Part 1, Corsi debriefs her security staff and the da Vinci discover that Dr. Lense is missing.

Check it out! And please subscribe to the channel!

KRAD COVID reading #98e: Star Trek: S.C.E.: Breakdowns Part 5

For 2021, KRAD COVID readings is covering the only short fiction I didn’t read in 2020: my novellas for the Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers series, a monthly series of eBooks that ran from 2000-2007. I’ll have a new reading every #TrekTuesday.

Two weeks ago, we concluded Breakdowns, and I rather stupidly forgot to post about it. Sorry about that. (We also took a week off from the reading series. Security will commence on Tuesday…)

This was the last of four aftermath stories following the brutal mission to Galvan VI chronicled in David Mack’s Wildfire. In Part 5, Gold and Gomez gather the crew for a final meal before setting out into space once again.

Check it out! And please subscribe to the channel!

KRAD COVID reading #98d: Star Trek: S.C.E.: Breakdowns Part 4

For 2021, KRAD COVID readings is covering the only short fiction I didn’t read in 2020: my novellas for the Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers series, a monthly series of eBooks that ran from 2000-2007. I’ll have a new reading every #TrekTuesday.

This week, we continue Breakdowns, which was the last of four aftermath stories following the brutal mission to Galvan VI chronicled in David Mack’s Wildfire. In Part 4, Gomez confronts Gold about the circumstances of Duffy’s death, which proves a sad catharsis for both of them.

Check it out! And please subscribe to the channel!

KRAD COVID reading #98c: Star Trek: S.C.E.: Breakdowns Part 3

For 2021, KRAD COVID readings is covering the only short fiction I didn’t read in 2020: my novellas for the Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers series, a monthly series of eBooks that ran from 2000-2007. I’ll have a new reading every #TrekTuesday.

This week, we continue Breakdowns, which was the last of four aftermath stories following the brutal mission to Galvan VI chronicled in David Mack’s Wildfire. In Part 3, Captain Gold takes it upon himself to speak directly to the families of all twenty-three of his crew who died at Galvan VI, which proves a more difficult task than he imagined.

Check it out! And please subscribe to the channel!